Remembrances from Supporters Past and Present 

Nancy Stovall Jones

Nancy Stovall Jones, an active supporter of Stovall Cemetery recalls her childhood visits to the cemetery as a totally immersive and magical sensory experience. Traveling from her home in the western states to the Stovall “home place” in Obion County Tennessee was exciting; she recalls her excitement anticipating the moist smells of shade trees that formed a canopy over the road. Equally anticipated was the picnic dinner on the lawn of the Stovall Farm before the annual community gathering under the trees at nearby Stovall Cemetery

Beauton Bowers

The annual community gatherings at Stovall Cemetery were attended as early as 1929 by Beauton Bowers, a local resident of Union City and strong supporter of the cemetery who is now buried at Stovall. She remembered her mother requiring her each spring to memorize a new poem to recite during the program